LadyChordewa's Journal

LadyChordewa's Journal


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5 entries this month

Welcome to my world

19:28 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 850

Welcome to my world. Those who have spoken to me see that sometimes. I say that when I realize that I have let something online upset me too much. I come online for fun and to meet new people, but this is a box after all and i have enough stresses in my life. I have met those who have helped me learn how to gain some semblance of control over my empathy and actually begin to control the pain I have from my MS. Main thing to know. Most my MS problems are caused by stress.

I feel I am an honest, trustworthy individual. At this point I doubt my loyalty. It depends on your definition I guess. My definition is that I will give my loyalty to those that have my trust. My loyalty will falter when that trust waivers. Is that wrong? Or human nature? I’m not sure. As for trust. I realize that it must be earned. *Sighs* Patience is a virtue.

I have made friends with some very cool people here. *Laughs* Strangely its mostly with guys. Trust me girls, I don’t bite, lol. No, don’t get me wrong. I’m honored that these guys want to talk to me. My journal tells almost all that there is about me and people still want to talk to me, hmmmm. I do what I can to welcome the new people and help them figure out VR. I would like to name those closest to me, but I’m not sure if they would approve of their name being posted. You know who you are, and if you ask, I will tell you how I feel. Honesty is my creed after all.

One final thing. I am a diplomat, always in the center, trying to tame both sides. It frustrates people that I can’t pick a side. I do, but on my terms with the knowledge I gain, not by what someone else says. When I choose, if you are chosen as a friend, someone that I deeply trust, you will have my loyalty. But know this, I give my trust once, I only allow myself to be hurt once. If you hurt me, I might still talk to you but I won’t share like I did before. If I choose you are an enemy, my venom is poisonous. I will do my best to protect what is mine from an enemy and do what I can to let anyone else see who you really are. I might be considered a wimp in some realms because technically I'm a healer, I’m a non-violent person but I will not be pushed around again. I deserve better.



19:07 May 13 2008

you are great at welcoming people


The Gift of Empathy

00:44 Feb 07 2006
Times Read: 885

Its amazing how you can have such deep conversations with people that you just meet in here. domangelus and I spoke in length last night and touched on a problem I have been having. First, let me tell you about my gift of empathy.

Apparently, I had it from a real young age. My mother also had it, but when she was diagnosed with MS......she basically turned it off, she said. But i could feel her pain with the MS. My teenage years are riddled with mysterious ailments, that could never be diagnosed. I swear they thought i was imagining things. Well guess what.....I WAS!!!!! It wasn't until I was working as an EMT, did i realize that i could feel things. I deluded myself for a long time, believing that I was just learning how to read people, real well. But i was reading them. I was feeling their pain and when i was feeling my strongest, I could actually take some of their pain into me. A wiccan friend when she first met me, walked up to me and then acted like she hit a brick wall. She asked me to Shield up, of course I looked at her like she was nuts. I asked what she meant and she said.....Ummm you have a powerful Empathy gift. WOW, KNOWLEDGE. lol.

Thinking about it today, I realized something. As a teenager, I was often depressed, feeling worthless. Yet, I had no reason to feel that way. I was feeling what every other teenager felt, but without knowing it. I would have mysterious ailments that would bug me, but couldn't figure out what they were. I realize now, even without being conscious of it, I was using my gift.

It has helped keep myself out of trouble, being able to read a stranger and their intentions towards me. It didn't help me with my hubby, except that my connection with him was so strong i could read his mind sometime. It helped me duck and dodge most the time. I remember one fight... I had turned my back on him....I swear I heard him called me a F***ing B*tch....I swung around and railed at him. He swears he never said it. I learned to think of a brick wall....with a couple bricks missing to shield myself, when i worked. I had too, being an open empathic and fighting death, it would suck me down too. I have seen several people died and I can walk into a nursing home and tell you where death is coming next....but that is for another time.

My problem now is the trouble with MS and Chronic Fatigue. It makes you have trouble concentrating and remembering. I love the days when you need a list to remember what to do in the shower. lol. It makes it almost impossible to maintain a shield. With domangelus help, I am going to try what he posted about grounding and shielding and try to get to a better place with it. Wish me luck. If you have any helpful hints, please contact me.



19:10 May 13 2008

I hope you MS gets better and if you need to talk im here with open ears.


In Search of Faith

01:51 Feb 06 2006
Times Read: 890

“What you think of Jesus, Jayme?” asked the Sunday school teacher. My friend had brought me as a guest. “I don’t know, I have never met him”. Giggles. She smiled and said, “You don't have to meet someone to believe them”. Then I dropped the bomb. “How can you believe in something, you can't feel or touch?” She gasped and the room went silent. “You don't believe?” she asked in an astonished voice. I repeated my question, with sinking feeling I done something wrong. She frowned and immediately grabbed my arm and half dragged, half pulled me over to the minister. She proceeded to tell him the conversation we had and he looked at me furiously. He grabbed my arm and marched me to the first pew, directly in front of the crucifix. Telling me to sit quietly until my ride came. Crying, I asked what I had done wrong. He simply stated, “If you don't believe, you don't belong with the other children.” He left me in the empty church, crying, being stared at by Jesus on the cross. His eyes condemning me.

My mother was Protestant, my father Methodist. They gave my brother and I the freedom to choose whether or not we wanted to attend church. They felt when we were old enough, we could make our own decisions about faith. My brother eventually returned to the church, I'm still undecided.

We were brought up on the beliefs of the Bible, not necessarily the stories. The joke in my house that we only know the Bible by what Bill Cosby tells us. I couldn't name the Ten Commandments but I don't believe I've ever broken one. Respect everyone until they show they didn't deserve my respect. I think of people’s feelings before I speak, I treat people the way I wish to be treated. I don't lie, cheat, steal or do drugs. I always a true friend no matter the consequences. I always try to help someone in need. I try to be a good person. I was brought up believing if you accomplish asserting these beliefs into your life, you be happy. You'd be rewarded. I found out the hard way that there's more to it than that.

Then growing up, I was an extremely sensitive, extremely emotional child. Sensitive to the point of being able to read peoples so well, I could almost tell what they were thinking, what they were feeling. Unfortunately, I would take everything that was said or done personally. Because of this, teasing was extremely hard for me. I took everything to heart. This of course caused a lot of heartache.

I grew up knowing my mother suffered from multiple sclerosis and my father was a volunteer fire fighter. I learned early about people and responsibilities. Unfortunately, I matured a lot faster than my peers did. I learned first-aid and CPR at 13 and enjoy the ability to help people.

I first job was babysitting for a family of eight children. I was only six months older than the oldest but as I said before I matured early. Somehow I managed to keep these kids ranging from the 8 months to 13 years from wrecking havoc. One night, while driving me home, the mother asked me if I had been saved. “From what?” I asked. “You are such a good role model to my kids. You respect your elders and are a mature responsible person. I can't believe you haven't found the lord.” I asked her, “If I’m such good person why do I need to be saved?” Again, I felt like no matter how good I was, it was still unacceptable. I wouldn't be “accepted” without the Lord.

As I began high school, I realized I was still unacceptable. My peers seemed immature to me, the teasing I endured was on going, I became part of a group of people who were misfit in one way or another. Most my days are spent, helping people with their problems. From boyfriend /girlfriend problems, abusive alcoholic parents, supporting a friend from her mother's breast cancer, to teenage pregnancy. I help everyone understand different points of view and gave them several options to help them make their own decisions. All the time feeling good about helping people but also feeling like everyone's mother.

During this time, things of my life were tense. I was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. Thinking suicidal thoughts, unable to answer the question of “Who would miss me?” My father's behavior was becoming more and more erratic and unpredictable. Pushing, shoving and hitting me, was becoming common. Most of this was unpredictable. You never know what would set off. Now I knew what the phrase, walking around on eggshells that meant. I was becoming more and more confused of what was good and what was bad. If I was abused for my whole life, I probably wouldn't question it but I hadn't been. So, I assumed that I was being punished. That I had done something wrong. For what, I don't know. I sank deeper into depression, cursing God for my horrible existence. Hadn’t I been true to his rules? Then why was I unhappy?

My only true friend at the time that I felt I could trust at the time, was named Casey. Casey was a lovable hundred twenty pound AKC yellow lab. He had long legs, large expressive brown eyes and a big barrel chest, that I could cry on. When my depression cause me to have insomnia. I would go out into the living room and sit with Casey. If I cried, and he would sit as close as he could, stick his chest out and turned his head. He was the first shoulder I ever cried on. When I was on crying, Casey would lick my tears away and then lay down in front of me. More than once I have woken up, on the floor, with my arm draped over him

Some people believe I’m giving Casey human traits. He was a very sensitive, empathetic, and caring dog. The first friend that I trusted my heart with and didn't make judgments. He understood when no one else did.

My father and I were finally diagnosed with chemical imbalance that caused us to be depressed. With medication, things improved. Received associate degree and was hired as a counselor at a Catholic summer camp. I was homesick was eventually asked believe for several reasons. The main one being, that was hard to explain to the kids, why I didn't get communion. Again, unacceptable.

Eventually, I felt something positive happened in my life. I met John. John was a volunteer fire fighter with my father and a mechanic. He came from extremely religious family. In the two years of dating, Christmas was the worst. What if they found out I didn't believe? Every time I stepped into the church, I waited for someone to yell out, “she is the non-believer.” I'd sit with tears falling silently down my face, ready to hide when everybody went for communion because I'd be the only one left in the pew, then they would know..

But after our marriage, our lives began crumbling. John lost his job and nearly his life, when the lift gave away from under the ambulance he was working on. Thankfully, he was un-injured but now unemployed. We ended up living in my parent’s basement for the first two years of her marriage. John gave up trying to get ahead in life because we always seem to be slammed with another problem, just as we're getting ahead. What finely made me give up hope of was the untimely death of Casey, due to a vets indiscretion.

Why me? Was I cursed for life? Why didn't I deserve to have something other people had? John was eventually was hired at another job that paid better, with a better benefit. Yet I was still employed.

One day, I was shopping at a craft store, came across the calendar that had no weekday but every date had a prayer to the Lord. I read a couple and left the store. But I kept being drawn back to these mini prayers. Finally, I bought it. Every morning the first thing I do is read this little prayer. It's a simple seven-dollar calendar, everything is changed.

I was hired and in answering service, where I've excelled even as my own expectations. My eventual goal is to be a 911 dispatcher, I believe I can do it. My husband and I bought our first home, we've caught up on bills and only had minor problems on our minds.

Did all this happen because I began reading those prayers out loud? Or did our luck just change? I find myself believing in angels and becoming more spiritual. I believe God sent me Casey, when I thought no one cared and then John was there when Casey was taken away.

For several years, I continued to read those prayers but things kept going wrong in my life. My husband began drinking after the loss of his grandfather to Cancer. With the

Drinking came harsh words, uncontrollable anger and the abuse began. I was so desperate to be loved and not to loose my marriage that I did anything that he said.

I gave up volunteering in the community as a Firefighter and EMT because he made me

Feel guilty for not being there for him when he got home. I became anal about having all my chores done, to avoid the critisim and ridicule. After years of John treating me badly,

I began chatting online. It was so liberating to be able to tell someone, knowing that it wouldn’t get back to him and getting counseling from perfect strangers. Two strangers

Stand out in my mind as guiding angels. First was Huntsman. He was a firefighter somewhere in Arkansas and we became fast friends. Second was Smokeater630. A volunteer firefighter in West Virginia. Both these men, were having troubles in their own marriages but were attempting to save them, same as me. After chatting for over a year, I believed these men were my best friends. They urged me to get counseling and to get out of the situation. They promised me, that real men don’t hurt their women like that. Real men, cherish and protect their women. It took several years of them telling me that for me to begin to believe that I didn’t deserve the abuse for a minor thing like not having dinner ready for when he came home. When I began thinking about having an affair, I realized that I could no longer be married. I wanted out of the relationship and I wanted closeness. I was lonely. One night I came to bed, thinking that I had to save this marriage somehow. I initiated the lovemaking but it turned violent. He held my arms down, kissing and biting me as ..well raped me. I yelled no, told him to stop. But he was relentless and made sure I came in spite of myself. I was so embarrassed, so ashamed and felt that I had deserved to be treated that way…..after all, that’s what he told me. I left him a week later. The reason I waited a week, was I didn’t want my parents to see the bruises. Silly reason, I know.

John didn’t handle it well. He began stalking me. Waiting for my parents to leave the

House to try to get to me. One night he sat outside of the house, on the back porch.

He had pulled a chair over to the doorbell and just sat there pushing it, for about 2 hours straight. I was home alone but online with my friends. They told me to call the police but I didn’t want to go offline to do it. Apparently John took his anger out on our 6 month old Yellow lab puppy. Lady Harlequinn, or Harley, didn’t understand why I left and since she was technically his dog, I left her. I kick myself every day for that decision. Every day, I would go by the house and see her looking out the window for me. When several neighbors told me of his hitting of Harley, I stepped in. I told him give me the dog or I will take you for everything. So, I got Harley back but the damage was done. She had never fully trusted anyone again and is a meek quivering dog that breaks my heart, every time she thinks I’m going to hit her. Basically, I started having panic attacks and lost about 40lbs in 4 weeks. My doctor told me to get out of dodge. So, I did the most dangerous thing in the world, I went on vacation and visited all the people I met online. Including Smokeater630. I can’t say it was love at first sight, but I had fallen in love with the image he projected online. He was solid, was definite in his feelings of right and wrong, dependable and loyal. Pat (smokeater) was about 6 feet tall, with red hair and green eyes. He always had a smile on his lips and a laugh in his eyes.

The second time I came down to see Pat, was during Christmas. He had kicked his

wife out for cheating and numerous other things. Apparently, John had began smoking cigars like his father. I saw him several times attempt to put out the cigar on Harley’s nose while we were together. So, when Pat lit a cigarette, Harley started giving him attitude. She wouldn’t totally bark at him, But she would stand in front of him, half barking at him. When the cigarette went out. She was fine. I finally realized her problem and told Pat. He got down on the floor with Harley and took her paw in his hands. I told her that he wasn’t a mean man and wouldn’t hurt her or her mommy ever. He also promised that nobody would ever be allowed to hurt either one of us again. After that, she never gave him attitude again. And I was in Love.

When I lost my job, Pat came up from West Virginia to get me. We married about 2 years ago, surrounded by our family and friends. It was outside, performed by a minister, one of the patients that I had transported numerous times. His family were jewels and

made me feel welcome and I never felt the stress I felt with John’s family. I now know that no marriage will work, if you don’t get along with the in-laws. Everyone I spoke to,

who divorced, had trouble with the in-laws. Mine are jewels.

When I first moved in with Pat, I had a difficult time adjusting. Simply, I had been trained and brainwashed by John, thinking that every little thing had to be done before he got home. The first day that Pat arrived home, I was in tears, crouched in a corner of the kitchen because dinner wasn’t ready and I didn’t get all the laundry done. That led to a long discussion and an even longer deprogramming that has lasted until even now. I still have trouble at times but

Pat doesn’t let me sweat it.

I’ve recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, like my mother and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I can no longer work in the medical field like I have all my life but

I know I will find some way to continue to be involved. My life is going right again. I think to myself, does God love me now? I realize now that he's always loved me, just tested me with depression, disease, disappointments and death. I also realize that I can’t find a religion that I fit into, but if I can find a religion that fits my beliefs, I’m there. I’m not a church going person. In fact I refuse to go because I found that you don’t need a temple to talk to Lord. I believe the lord is anywhere and everywhere. If I want to have a conversation with him, I do at night in my head or I sit out on the porch, looking at all the trees, animals and creek that he made. I feel calmer that I ever had in my life, Pat’s love is unconditional and I feel that I am in a good place in my life. And in a good Place with God.



20:14 Feb 09 2009

I never did understand Gods cruelty for his children and when in Sunday School I asked why the all forgiving god had banished his friend from heaven it was the final straw! I was only quite young and didn't understand that the adults wouldn't like my comments!

Still it's nice to have a faith



01:55 Feb 05 2006
Times Read: 894

It was Feburary, just after an ice storm, so the ground was covered in a crunchy snow. I had put my two dogs out, a lab and a beagle/dashund mix. About 30 minutes later, I heard them barking, but it was not any bark that i recognized. It was a high pitched yip, with a deep deep growl. I looked out and saw them. Each dog had stretched their lines as far as they could go, away from the shed. Their hair was standing up, their teeth bared, but their tails were between their legs. Not thinking anything at first, I went out and unhooked them and for once, neither tried to run. They both went to the front door and started digging at it, to get inside. As I let them in, I looked over toward the shed, which at the time was covered with a substance that is similar to bamboo. Very hard to get through without a machete. I noticed a movement and saw a shadow, next to the shed. It was at least 8 feet tall, since our shed is only 12 feet. I close the door and walked to the edge of the railing toward it and I watched it push the bamboo out of the way and crash down the side of the ravine that surrounds our house.

I went inside and told my hubby, a town cop at the time, that someone was messing over at the shed. He went and got his flashlight, pistol, extra magazines and his portable and walked out side. I pointed and the shadow was back but again No sound from it. As my husband, attempted to hit it with the flashlight, again it went crashing down the ravine. My husband called for back up and told me to get more flashlights. When the cop on duty showed up, they split up. Each went to either side of the house. Again remember there is a ravine on 3 sides of my house, at about a 40 degree downslope. Also, remember the ice storm. This ravine is something hard to do on a good day, but with the ice, I felt it was impossible.

Both my hubby and the cop, pulled their guns, announcing who they were but they got no response. No giggle, No grunt, we didn't even hear whatever it was breathing. For about 45 minutes, we listened to whatever it was, walk back and forth between us, about half way up the slope. I whisped to the cop, ummmmm how many footprints do you hear? He listened and held up 2 fingers to me. At that point, hubby joined us and they decided to leave whatever it was alone. As we walked back to the front of the house, we heard it crashing up the ravine toward us. Hubby and i ran into the house, the other cop to his patrol car. The cop hit his spotlight but said all he saw was something brown and big.

I asked my husband what he thought it was and he shook his head, refusing to tell me. Finally, he told me of a time his friends and him went sledding down the opposite side of the ravine and all 3 of them got the feeling they were being watched. Finally, they pinpointed it was coming from the treeline and when they got there, they found the big footprints that are famous. These 3 16 year olds got a flashlight and decided to track it. They followed its prints all over the town, and then they led to the woods. At that point, one of them made the comment, "Ummm, what are we going to do if we find this thing with just a flashlight?" So, they broke off the tracking. The footprints were descibed to be bigger by several inches than my hubby's 12 inch boots. Approx. 18 inches. And sank into the snow at the time, approx 3 to 3.5 feet. The strides were longer than any of them could accomplish, my husband being the tallest at 6 foot. Well, there is my bigfoot story. I'm not sure if it was one, but at this point nobody could tell me what it was. Oh well.



19:28 May 13 2008

wow so do you think it was bigfoot?? thats wild!


First Entry.....WOW what do i say?

01:07 Feb 05 2006
Times Read: 895

Well, i'm not sure if my life and my journal entries are worthy of reading. I am actually very content in my life, not sure if that comes with age or all the things in my life, I have already been through. Right now my biggest thing in my life I fight is BOREDOM.

After working for 15 years as an EMT, helping those in need. I woke up one day (in 2003), unable to feel from my midback down. I will tell you that the oddest feeling in the world, is looking down at your legs, watching yourself move them, but not be able to feel them. Even as a EMT, I was like...ok...this ain't right. So, I called my regular doc...his secretaries were like, "Ok, he can see you in 2 months." Considering I could still walk, although not steady, I wasn't that worried, I had a feeling what it was. The feeling in my legs came back in about a month. Two weeks after that, I lost it again, along with the ability to tell whether or not when to go to the bathroom. Called the Doc again, this time, I was sent to get some bloodwork, given a RX of vitamins and had an appointment the next day. Doc says, Pinched nerve, i will just get a MRI to confirm it. I told him to get one of my head also. He said why. I told him, I think I have Multiple Sclerosis. Well, Feburary 14th, 2005, I was finally given the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.

For those who aren't sure what MS is I will explain. Imagine your nervous system, like a electrical cord. Most light cords in your house, have a covering on them. When that covering gets warn, like right next to the plug, sometimes you will have short circuits. This is similar to what happens to me. There is a covering on my nerves that my body is attacking. Its call the Myelin Sheath. As my body, erodes this away, I am left with part of my nerves exposed, with no insulation. This causes a lack of communication in my legs (I can move but i couldn't feel them) and muscle spasms. The muscle spasms are from my body sending messages, trying to find my feet and hitting the bad nerve spots. The message goes to whatever muscle group the nerve is controlling. Fun huh?

I am lucky to have the most minor kind of MS. I can still walk, although sometimes i need a cane. My hands are weak and my concentration sucks. I was deemed unable to work and got my disability. So, I stay at home, take care of the household bills and did I tell you I was bored??? lol

I don't write Poetry, although I will post some that I find mean something to me. I am more into writing stories. *Blushing* They are actually erotic stories. They are new to me and tame, but its something that I have all of a sudden began writing. They are short. Stories about seduction. Right now, they aren't dark and only one I have done about a vampire. When I get around to it, I will upload some.

Well, I guess that's it for now.



19:24 May 13 2008

owch thats a hard life

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